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The first Zimbabwean to 


the world


About me

Inspired by the footsteps of my grandfather, who sailed (almost) around the world from Jamaica to South Africa via the Pacific in (his youth), I am planning a voyage that less than 200 people have ever accomplished: sailing solo, unassisted and non-stop around the globe using only the wind and my own two hands.


Having sailed for nearly three decades and perusing a long-term career at sea, conquering this supreme endurance challenge is not only a personal goal held from a very young age but also an opportunity to bring to the world’s attention the struggles that many of the senior population of Zimbabwe face every day.


With hyperinflation dissolving their life savings and age preventing them from generating income, many elderly Zimbabweans are now destitute and in desperate need of support from the wider community. I aim to champion their cause in any way that I can, by utilising my skillset and passion for the betterment of those who need our help.


I plan to partner with as many as possible around the world, working alongside charities within the United Kingdom and Zimbabwe to guarantee that all donations in benefit of the charities are used to better care for our aging Zimbabweans, ensuring they receive the maximum benefits from this endeavor.


My time at sea will challenge me both mentally and physically. The isolation and frugality in using supplies will mirror the plights faced by those I aim to help, who deal with limited supplies, loneliness and a myriad of difficulties in their own lives every day. For them I will take on the ultimate global sailing challenge and place Zimbabwe’s flag amongst those of the world's best seafaring nations.


For them, I will become the first Zimbabwean circumnavigator.


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