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The voyage

This voyage will take me around the world pushing the vessel and myself to the edge of our limits; however, I will become fitter, healthier and more alive than I’ve ever been before.


As set out by the Sunday Times Golden Globes Race, first completed by Sir Robin Knox Johnson in 1969, the boundaries of this challenge are simple but by no means easy to achieve.


In order to successfully circumnavigate I must complete the following, I must:


  • Begin and end at the same port

  • Cross all lines of longitude

  • Cross the equator

  • Pass south of all the great capes (Good Hope, Leeuwin, South East Cape and Cape Horn)

  • Cover at least 21,600 Nautical miles (the circumference of the equator)

  • Receive no external help once departing

  • Carry all supplies needed for the entire voyage with me


The route will see me untie my lines, say farewell to loved ones and slowly watch land disappear for anywhere from six to nine months. I will travel through warm trade winds, icy storms, tropical heat and 50 knot gales. I will cross the International Date line and traverse the equator twice. I will learn to live on a permanent angle, battle impossible waves and be totally isolated from the rest of the world save occasional satellite and radio communications.


However, I will also be privileged to see nature at its most raw; wildlife unencumbered in its natural habitat, sunrises and sunsets that ignite the sky and at night be guided by a blanket of stars shining in the moonlight. This will make pushing my boundaries all the more rewarding.


At present I am searching for the vessel that will work alongside me for the voyage. I intend to use the knowledge of sailors who have completed similar challenges and use an “Open 40” design. This fast, planing hull racing yacht, will be capable of high enough speeds to allow me to outrun storms and navigate to safer areas around them. This boat will be the key factor in the equation of this journey and the purchase, reinforcement and modifications will be lengthy and undoubtedly require significant sponsorship. Please consider donating via the Go Fund Me link at the top of the page to support this endeavor.

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